
Managed futures are professionally managed investment accounts that trade in the futures markets.  Managed futures are a good way to diversify your overall investment portfolio, but many investors wonder whether they should manage their own futures trading account or let a professional Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) manage the account. Time and experience are the...
It is absolutely essential to have a trading plan in writing before you begin trading commodities. Do not take this statement lightly. A sound trading plan is one of the most critical pieces to your success in trading commodities. Without a trading plan, you will be prone to inconsistent and erratic trading with a lack of confidence that might drain your...
One of the biggest mistakes new commodity traders make is having unrealistic expectations before they place their first trade. The commodity markets are highly leveraged investments, which increase profits for disciplined traders and rapidly drain the accounts of reckless traders.   Commodities can have leverage near 20 to 1, which means a trader will only have to put...
Live cattle futures have recovered all the losses from the Tyson plant fire in August. The market now stands at solid resistance from a prior chart consolidation and a 62 percent retracement from highs back in April. I still see the market as being bullish. The fundamental side looks good as packers still have solid...
“The trend is your friend.” That is a statement that has been circulating among commodity traders for a long time. It simply means that you should trade with the trend of the market to help increase your chances of success.  What is a Trend? A trend basically means that prices are steadily moving higher...
Chuck Kowalski started his career in the futures markets in 1994 trading, advising clients, working with high net worth traders and investors and educating traders. Today, Chuck has retired from his the industry. Now, he is able to devote his efforts to reach a wider range of futures traders that don't necessarily have the large portfolios and expertise of a typical client. Chuck feels this is an undeserved market that is in dire need of learning the proper ways of trading with the proper guidance. Contact Chuck for more information on his Futures Trading Mentoring and Education Programs. Email: chuck@futuresbuzz.com

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