
The practice of selling rallies in bear markets may be old, but it never gets tiring. I am sticking with that strategy until there is a measurable change in the outlook for natural gas.  The EIA inventory numbers were released this morning and showed a build of 98 billion cubic feet for the week ending October...
Traders in the lean hog markets have waged a battle whether China will begin importing massive amounts of pork in the near future or not. China is in great need of replacement pork as much of their herd was wiped out this year due to the swine flu. China has a healthy appetite for pork and it seems like it is...
Crude oil has been through a whole lot of drama in the last two weeks only to get back to where prices previously stood. The Saudi Arabia bombings caused a huge price shock to the markets. Events like this will typically either have long-term price ramifications for oil or they become another overreaction in the markets that quickly bring prices back...
Commodity Trading Advisors (CTAs) have been performing fairly well as a whole thus far in 2019 with Autumn Gold CTA index (non-investable) reporting 5.79% YTD. The Barclay CTA Index is up about 7.61 percent as of August. Both indices are comprised of about 400 - 500 CTAs of various strategies and markets traded. This is slightly better than their Hedge Fund Index of...
A good case can be made for the copper market to be a star performer among commodities in the next few years. However, you wouldn’t know it by the price action lately. Copper futures prices are down about 25% from 2018 and have lost about half their value since the all-time high set in 2011. Copper has...
Chuck Kowalski started his career in the futures markets in 1994 trading, advising clients, working with high net worth traders and investors and educating traders. Today, Chuck has retired from his the industry. Now, he is able to devote his efforts to reach a wider range of futures traders that don't necessarily have the large portfolios and expertise of a typical client. Chuck feels this is an undeserved market that is in dire need of learning the proper ways of trading with the proper guidance. Contact Chuck for more information on his Futures Trading Mentoring and Education Programs. Email: chuck@futuresbuzz.com

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